Project Topic Assessment
Initial topic assessment document of the proposed research was submitted for evaluation. The submitted document included a brief overview on key aspects of the proposed research along with the research problem, research objectives, overall solution as well as member task breakdown.
Project Proposal Presentation
Presented to a panel of judges in order to provide an overview of the proposed research.
Project Proposal Report
The submission of a report which provides an in-depth analysis pertaining to key aspects of the proposed research along with the research problem, objectives, as well as the overall proposed solution.
Status Document 1
The submission of a document that provides an overview of key tasks conducted by members during the implementation phase of the research.
Progress Presentation 1
Evaluation of 50% completion of the proposed solution by a panel of judges.
Research Paper draft submission
Draft submission of the research paper submitted to the supervisor for evaluation.
Status Document 2
The submission of a document that provides an overview of key tasks conducted by members during the implementation phase of the research.
Progress Presentation 2
Draft submission of the research paper submitted to the supervisor for evaluation.
Final Thesis Submission
Submission of the group and individual thesis documents for evaluation.
Final Presentation and Viva
Final evaluation of the completed product.
Website Assessment
Submission of research website for evaluation.
Log Book
Submission of the research logbook which provides an overview of all key tasks conducted by members during the implementation phase of the research.